RayneDance Read online
Page 3
In her dream, Rayne had lifted her thigh to give him more access to her body. But he was already pushing her tiny panties aside. The thrust of his cock into her body had forced the air from her lungs. Gasping and feeling dizzy, Rayne had wrapped her arms around Sean’s neck and held on. Sean’s hands were lifting both her thighs as he impaled her with his staff. His last jab had sent another cycle of orgasms through her completely spent body. The only things keeping them upright were his strong, muscular thighs.
As the sky turned pink, Rayne knew the wetness between her thighs had only been her body’s juices. Sitting on the side of the bed, she’d reluctantly acknowledged that it quite easily could have been his cum leaking out of her right now. Never before had she felt such intense reactions, asleep or awake. The intensity frightened her more than the fact that even though it was only a dream, she’d not given any thought to the fact he was a stranger, unknown, and had totally forgotten about using a condom!
Rayne sipped her tea eagerly, needing to cool herself and calm her emotions. A flush stained her cheeks, though, as she recalled what was in the pocket of her dress right now. During the heat of the afternoon, she’d gone into town and purchased, for the first time ever…condoms! She’d been so embarrassed, not really knowing what kind to buy. Still, none of that had stopped her from completing the purchase and putting one in each pocket of her dress. Telling herself she was being foolish, Rayne had walked the one-mile path between their properties.
* * * * *
“I am sorry for last night.”
Rayne looked up into Sean’s hazel-colored eyes. The desire she’d felt last night, and all through the daylight hours today, came rushing through her once again. Her breath caught in her chest as she realized how strong it was with him so close. He had walked silently to stand less than three feet from the sofa, directly in front of her.
“My mother would wonder what happened to the little gentleman she raised.”
Rayne had to smile at his words. She didn’t doubt his sincerity. But this self-deprecating humor only heightened her attraction. A moment later, without warning, her body reacted to the image that popped into her consciousness. It was from her dreams. Sean had pushed her back against the wall. His hand curled around the leg she lifted, pulling it higher. Rayne wrapped her hands around his neck and then felt the thrust of his cock splitting her flesh.
It was crazy, but she jumped and her hand jerked, as she seemed to feel the thrust of his cock into her cunt. It was as if her body had truly felt the impact. Tea spilled and Sean acted immediately by offering her his napkin. Taking it, she wiped her hand and then blotted the spot on her dress.
Still looking at the spot, Sean’s finger entered her field of vision. She looked up, not sure what he was doing. “What?”
“You missed a spot. I’d offer to dab all you want…” his voice trailed away as he moved his finger a little closer.
Rayne glanced down and saw the large tea spot on the bodice of her dress. If she asked him to dab, his hand would be directly over her nipple. Immediately she regretted her last minute decision to skip underwear. Her nipples were definitely making their presence known, especially the one beneath the wet spot. Heat washed over her cheeks as she realized Sean must have been aware of their arousal when he first offered his napkin. Pulling the fabric away from her skin, she tried to press the wetness out. The napkin was too damp, making it worse.
“Let me,” Sean whispered a moment later.
Rayne looked up and saw that he had another napkin, this one pristine. Ignoring that conscientious and cautious voice in her head, she let her body’s desire act for her. She nodded her head and lowered her hands. It would have been better to let him take hold of the fabric and duplicate her motions. Instead, the fabric flattened once again across her full breast and peaked nipple. Pushing back the logic telling her to take the napkin, she nodded her head in agreement once more.
* * * * *
Sean had been watching Rayne closely. Her second nod fired his desire, which was barely held in check as it was. The thought of his sister returning was the only thing preventing him from seeking a kiss from her full lips. Each lick of her tongue sent his temperature a degree higher. But he did ignore his mother’s voice telling him to pick the fabric up and away from her skin. That would be the logical and smart way to do it. He held the napkin flat to his palm and pressed his hand lightly over her breast and nipple. Slipping his hand a little lower, his hand curved around the globe. It was impossible to resist the lure of lifting the breast and just holding it for a moment. The sound of her breath catching forced his eyes upward.
Rayne’s eyes were closed and her lips parted. A moment later, her tongue licked across her lower lip. Sean’s cock responded promptly and he couldn’t resist closing his hand in an unmistakable squeeze, followed by a gentle massage.
“Oh my God.”
Rayne’s cry told him her reactions to his touch were mirroring his. He shifted his hand, allowing the napkin to fall to the floor. This time as he cupped her breast he felt her hard nipple poking in his palm. Massaging her flesh, he wiggled his hand side to side. This still wasn’t enough. His hand moved lower and he stimulated her tender bud further by rubbing his fingers back and forth across the distended peak. His cry drowned out hers.
“Yes!” Rayne whispered.
“God! You feel so sweet, Rayne. I want to suck this nipple into my mouth. Can you feel me drawing the bud between my lips? Suckling you deep inside before I flick my tongue over and all around this sweet morsel. Damn it! I want to carry you upstairs and take you on my bed right now.”
Rayne slowly lifted her heavy eyelids. Desire and arousal were raging inside her, demanding attention and satiation. All she had to do was say, “yes.” Even a simple nod of her head would probably be enough. Just nod her head and she would experience what she was sure would be pure rapture in his embrace. Her head dipped downward, nodding her agreement.
“Dinner’s ready! You can pour the wine, Sean.”
* * * * *
The table was quite large, but Colleen had arranged the four place settings at just one end, two on each side. Sean was next to Rayne and he held her chair for her to be seated. As she sat down, Rayne took several long, deep breaths to try and cool her ardor down. She’d never felt anything like the fire burning through her belly a few minutes ago in the living room. If Colleen’s voice hadn’t interrupted them, Rayne had no doubt she’d be upstairs ripping Sean’s clothes off him right now.
Shivers chased one another up and down her spine. It was probably the excess adrenaline. She was shocked that she could be so easily seduced by this stranger’s touch. It didn’t matter that technically he was no longer unfamiliar to her. And she wanted to get even more familiar with him! Breathing deeply, she called on her usually well-disciplined control to take over and get her through this evening. Lying to herself, she wished she’d never met Sean MacDougal.
Chapter Three
Sean had looked down at Rayne for a few moments before he turned to do as his sister had requested. He immediately noticed the way her dress was now clinging to her breast and distended nipple. Without thinking it through, he took the napkin she had started to open and placed it to drape down over her shoulder. Looking up he saw that Colleen and Bob were both staring at him. Acting nonchalant, he shrugged his shoulders.
“Do you have an extra napkin, Colleen? I was a klutz and caused Rayne’s tea to spill on her dress. Dinner smells delicious!”
Sean stepped over to the wine, opening it easily. He then moved around the table, pouring a generous glass of wine for each of them. As they began eating, conversation seemed a little easier. As host, he went out of his way to keep everyone’s glass filled. He tried not to stare, but his gaze seemed to keep returning to Rayne’s profile.
Her skin was lightly tanned and there was a soft flush on her cheeks. Thick eyelashes looked almost too long to be real, but the fact that he could see no eye shadow or lipstick caused him to ass
ume that everything was natural. Her lips were full and each time she opened her mouth to take a bite his thoughts kept wandering down erotic avenues. Last night his dreams had all involved her luscious breasts and those long legs. But now, watching her mouth as she ate, or replied to his sister’s unending questions, he knew that tonight it was going to be her lips starring in his dreams. Imagining the taste of her mouth, the softness of her lips and even how her mouth might feel around his—
He looked over at his sister who was glaring back at him. Grinning he reached out and took a sip of his wine. “Sorry, sis. I was getting ready to tell Rayne that I had just learned about the festival that is held once a year. It sounds like a lot of fun.”
Sean shrugged, having been caught daydreaming among company. He felt like a guilty kid, unable to respond to his sister since he had not been listening to the dinner table conversation, as a polite host would probably do. The simple truth was that he was more interested in looking at Rayne than he was in idle, superficial chatter. His gaze drifted down to where the napkin he’d tucked in earlier still concealed her breast. Falling for his surveillance subject wasn’t something he’d ever done before. Abruptly he stopped eating, mid-bite.
What the hell! No way was he “falling” for any woman. He didn’t have time for that in his life now. He was a man who had a plan for his life, and was determined to keep to the plan. Now that his life was becoming his own once again, order and peace was something he wanted. Women were expected now and then, but a certain type of single woman was not a good idea. Some women seemed to automatically know the rules, and others like Rayne…she was different. He didn’t want to be deterred or deflected from what he’d set as his course for his future life.
Setting his fork down, Sean finished his glass of wine in a single gulp. Bob’s voice penetrated his consciousness a moment later.
“That’s no way to treat wine this good! Not to mention what it costs for a bottle these days either.”
Colleen laughed softly. “That’s true, Bob. So few good wineries survived the war. We’re lucky that our family’s cellars had been dug centuries ago and that they stored away a certain amount each year.”
“I meant to comment on how good the wine was tonight. Were you thinking of restarting wine production with the land here? I understand before the war this was all very good for grape vine growth,” Rayne said softly, in between bites.
Sean shook his head, forcing himself to focus on the conversation. “For now I’ll leave the wine growing to my father and younger brothers. I’m not sure I’m cut out for that kind of life.” Standing, he moved around the table, refilling everyone’s glass. He noticed that Rayne had taken barely a sip or two from her glass. Taking his seat, he turned to smile at her. “Are you not much of a wine drinker?”
Rayne shook her head negatively. “I’m not much of a drinker of any kind. There was never any around as I grew up, and when I left home…well, I was never big on the rebellion thing.”
Colleen laughed softly. “That was me as well, Rayne. My siblings did plenty of rebelling for my parents, with Sean leading the pack usually. Were you an only child, Rayne?”
“No, I have two sisters.”
Sean was sure she started to say more, but something had made her stop. As he watched her, she resumed eating slowly. It was then he realized that even though his sister had been asking probing questions most of the evening, Rayne had managed to divulge very little facts about herself. Frowning, he concentrated on eating for a moment as he thought. Perhaps she was interested in him and was applying the old adage about men and mysterious women. More likely, he acknowledged with a fair amount of disappointment, was that she had probably figured out he had worked for the Agency. If that were true, he should move forward quickly before she disappeared.
* * * * *
Rayne walked along the dark path slowly. She had excused herself as soon as she felt was polite after dinner. It had taken a firm determination to refuse a ride home, insisting that she wanted to walk the shortcut back to her place. Throughout the delicious meal she’d had the distinct feeling that Sean MacDougal was watching nearly every move she made. It embarrassed her, considering what had occurred before dinner. Just remembering how aroused she’d been with only his hand upon her breast was disturbing her usually placid, quiet life. Pausing for a moment, she closed her eyes. All too easily could she recall every scent, touch and emotion she’d felt as his hand caressed her breast.
Opening her eyes again she continued the walk toward her home. Her head was telling her it was just sexual need. Like all the hierarchy of human needs, the sexual one required occasional attention. This feeling was nothing more than the basic need for…
“Damn it!”
She’d stubbed her toe. Stupidly she’d worn open-toed sandals, showing off that she had taken extra time to paint her toenails that afternoon. Just another example in her mind of how foolish and childish she was behaving. Looking up at the sky, she raised her hands, palms upwards and fingers outstretched. All she needed was some rain so she wouldn’t have to keep up this nightly watering ritual every day.
Rayne lowered her hands to her sides. That was the problem, she decided. Lack of rain. That was causing her to be up at night, watering her precious plants. She wasn’t getting enough sleep and that is why she was acting so strangely! That had to be the explanation for all the unusual feelings and desires.
“That’s it! Whew! At least now I know why I’ve been so nervous and jittery. I’d be having the same reactions around any male. It’s sex, pure and simple,” she said out loud, as if voicing the words would make the thoughts and feelings more concrete in her head.
Rayne continued walking until she reached the last turn before home. From here, late at night and if you stayed perfectly still, you could hear the sound of the ocean waves lapping the sandy shores. Many times she wished she had sought out a place closer to the water, but funny things tended to happen when she was around open water. It was better to be here, safe and growing her garden of interesting things. Maile had recommended the girls avoid places they might easily stand out and be identified as being different. In this small, sleepy community Rayne was sure she was safe.
Turning reluctantly, she walked the last couple hundred feet to her place. Coming around to the front, she was stopped abruptly.
“Hi ya, Rayne! I thought I’d come over and help you water tonight. Wow! Don’t you look beautiful tonight!” Billy’s voice ended on a note of amazement.
Rayne smiled at the young, virile and muscular teenager. She’d been aware of his infatuation almost from the very beginning. For a while she’d argued with herself about accepting his help, but sometimes she was too tired so she’d accept. She worked hard at keeping everything friendly and casual between them. Often she’d make remarks about his age and the differences separating their lives. Once, though, he’d gotten a little too poetic, writing a song about lover’s strife.
“Hi, Billy! That is awfully sweet of you. Don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“That’s no problem. I could always bunk down on your sofa and hop a ride with one of my friends at the end of the lane.”
Rayne knew her eyes must have popped wide open at his words. Sleep on her sofa? That was the last thing she needed right now—a lovesick teen in her living room. Damn it all, she thought quietly. Now what?
“Hello, Billy!”
Rayne and Billy both spun around at the deep voice speaking from the end of her porch. Breathing deeply, Rayne couldn’t decide if she was angry that he’d followed her or relieved that he was here to deal with the problem of Billy. She ignored the little voice in her head whispering that after the teen left she could end up with an even more difficult situation to handle. Her heart started pounding as she saw that Sean had changed into jeans earlier and removed his shirt at some point while following her. At some point she would have to deal with the fact that she’d not heard him once the entire time, which was more t
han just a little unnerving.
“Isn’t this nice, sweetheart!” Sean smiled at Rayne as he came up beside her. Casually, as if he did it all the time, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to his side. “With Billy here to help me, we’ll have this watering done in no time flat. Then we can get to bed early tonight. You haven’t been getting enough beauty sleep lately, most of which is my fault.”
Rayne couldn’t believe what was coming out of the man’s mouth! In just a few words he had claimed they were sleeping together and made it sound like it had been going on for some time now. The reputation she’d worked so hard on of staying apart from the people around here, beyond friendship, was blown. Men! She thought disgustedly and looked up at Sean, glaring fiercely.
“Great idea, Billy! I see you’ve already drawn most of the water, so this shouldn’t take too long at all.” Sean turned her easily toward him and kissed her full on the mouth. “You go on in and take a shower, babe. I’ll be in as soon as we get done here.”
Rayne watched as Sean good-naturedly patted Billy on the back, indicating for him to proceed. Ignoring her glare, Sean grinned back at her and then had the audacity to even wink! Disgusted, Rayne turned and stomped into her small house. Inside she threw a few pillows in disgust before she realized that one of them, either Sean or Billy, would end up watering the farthest corner of her small field. Scurrying around for her sneakers, she put them on and ran out of the house.
Running down the rutted path, she found the two men were working their way toward the back, rather than toward the house. Immediately she could tell that Billy was bowing to the Alpha male. What was it about this man? She was sure Billy would be angry and truculent, at least! Her ego was a little bruised as she watched them joking around, unaware of her approach at first. She grabbed one of the buckets of water and started toward the back.