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RayneDance Page 5

  Rayne held her breath as Sean lowered his head until his mouth hovered above her breast. His breath blew over the hard tip, raising goose bumps in the surrounding sensitive flesh. When his tongue licked around her nipple, it was like a child’s tongue eagerly circling an ice cream cone. Rayne could feel her nipple getting harder and tighter, the skin puckering more with each second. When his mouth finally opened and suckled her nipple gently, she cried out softly. As he sucked and tugged with his tongue and mouth, Rayne felt the resulting pull deep inside. It felt like a string was attached to her pussy and each resultant lick or suck sent shards of excitement straight to her groin.

  “Sean!” she moaned his name, lifting her hand to curve around the back of his head. “Yes! I want you inside me again!”

  Sean pushed up against her hand a few seconds later, but tugged her nipple still enclosed in his mouth with him. Finally he released it with a loud, wet squelching noise. His fingers had slipped down and were working magic between her wet pussy folds. As he pressed and then wiggled his index finger around her clit, Sean pressed kisses from one nipple to the other.

  Rayne could feel her body tensing, needing…with each touch of his mouth or fingers, heightening her arousal. Sweating and writhing upon her bed, she began pulling at his shoulders, his arms, and finally trying to push his hand from between her thighs. But he resisted her completely.

  “I want you, Sean.” She paused to lick her lips. “I want you inside me.”

  Sean smiled down at her, but shook his head slowly. As she stared up at him, he slipped two fingers inside her channel. She could feel them wiggling around, searching for—

  “Oh God!”

  Rayne cried out as he found her G-spot, pressing and massaging the area with his fingers. She closed her eyes, but just as quickly opened them as his rhythm changed. Every time she felt herself almost reaching the pinnacle, Sean switched how he was touching her. Or he alternated the way he massaged deep inside her. She knew she was crying when she dug her fingernails into his skin, demanding release.

  “Soon, my sweet. Let go…stop fighting me and just flow with the feelings. You are trying to anticipate my moves. Just let your breath flow with the feelings.”

  His words soaked into her brain. She couldn’t do what he wanted. To let go like he wanted might possibly release the power inside her. Fear of being discovered had governed her life for so many years. How could she relax her guard? She barely knew this man. Could she trust him?

  Torn between her emotions, her body’s demands and the chaotic thoughts in her head, she was startled to feel Sean’s hands on her thighs. Opening her eyes she saw that he was moving down her body—

  “No!” she moaned hoarsely, her voice cracking. She reached down with one hand and threaded her fingers in his hair. Pulling a little, she tried to pull him away.

  “Hush, sweetheart. Shh.”

  Rayne told her hands to push him away…or was it pull? Then it didn’t matter. His mouth was on her flesh and his tongue was making a magical spell. She swallowed once, getting ready to tell him to stop. That was her plan. Then she felt his fingers deep inside her once again, all while his tongue was deepening the thrall which held her. One deep breath and then she’d tell him—

  “God! Oh my God! Sean!”

  Her climax slammed through her body like a sledgehammer. There were no more thoughts that made any sense. Everything was sensations, feelings and emotions. Her body shivered and jerked rhythmically. Nothing had ever been this overwhelming. Not even when she discharged psychic energy. One moment she was still in control, but then with just one deep, relaxing breath her body took over.

  Chapter Five

  Sean moved slowly away from Rayne’s body. Something had just happened that he had never experienced before. The problem was that he was not sure what it was. The air around them had suddenly felt charged with electricity. His own senses had been so heightened that he had very nearly lost his control as he witnessed Rayne finally orgasm without restraint. He couldn’t be sure. Still, he thought he’d heard the clap of thunder.

  Looking down at her face, Sean thought she looked so peaceful. She could be the poster child for relaxed right now. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that what had just happened was not out of the ordinary. Even more than that, he realized in surprise that he wanted it to happen again and again. He wasn’t used to being this aroused on more than just the physical level with a woman. Perhaps he should just leave—


  He turned his head slightly and saw that her eyes were open and watching him. For a moment he wondered how long he’d been lost in his thoughts. That certainly didn’t fit into the realm of proper bedroom etiquette at all. A woman usually expected all of the man’s attention, based on his past experiences.

  “Sorry.” He stopped as the usual phrases he normally referred to women he’d known in the past didn’t seem at all appropriate. “Is something wrong?”

  Rayne shook her head. “Aren’t you going to…you know?”

  Sean smiled and lifted one hand to smooth an errant strand of hair back from her face. “I wasn’t sure if you’d fallen asleep. You looked so peaceful that I hesitated to interrupt.”

  “I wasn’t asleep.” She paused and shifted around a little. A second later she pulled a crinkled condom package from beneath her. “Still have enough to go around.” Grinning she held the prophylactic up with her fingers.

  Sean reached out and took the packet from her. “Just what all did you want me to work my way around?”


  He paused before answering, having heard the catch in her throat despite the boldness of her reply. Lightly, he pressed his lips to her forehead, the bridge of her nose, and lastly her chin, completely skipping her lips. From there he kissed her right cheekbone, and then the left. Moving a little on the bed, he kissed her breastbone. Another light kiss and he was between her breasts.

  “You know, if I kiss you all the way around that could open up some interesting…positions.”

  Even in the dim light Sean could see the bright flush staining her cheeks. Perhaps it was too soon to explore some avenues. Kissing her parted lips, his tongue caressed its way inside and explored the softness within. His hands began caressing her body, from her breast to her thighs and back up. As far as he was concerned, he was ready and about as hard as he’d ever been. But he wanted to arouse Rayne once again. Often he’d satisfy a woman first, and then enter her cunt, to come inside her tight, wet body. With Rayne, though, he wanted her to climax with him inside of her. He also wanted her to come as hard as she had earlier.

  It didn’t take long once he shifted one hand between her thighs. While his fingers began to entice and seduce her, his mouth lowered to capture her nipple once again. Soon he matched the sucking motion to that of his fingers until her hips were writhing and her legs scissoring restlessly. He sensed she was nearing her peak so he quickly grabbed a packet and ripped it open.

  Rayne’s hands lifted to help. “Can I do that?”

  Sean shook his head quickly. “Not this time, Rayne. I don’t have that much control.” He gently pushed her down and moved above her. She was already moving her legs apart, lifting one leg. He paused and positioned her legs, prompting her gently with his words. “That’s it, my sweet. Ready?”

  He waited until she nodded in agreement and then he eased forward, instead of thrusting. Moving slowly, he pushed forward until he was fully embedded in her hot channel. Bracing with his arms, his hips began moving. With measured strokes he went in and out. He had the thought that he would draw this out as long as possible, but that was before Rayne’s orgasm began. As before she seemed surprised, but he felt the beginning muscle contractions, soon strengthening and quickening. Each one of her muscles seemed to be grabbing and sucking on his cock all of a sudden. The air around them felt alive with electricity again.

  “Oh God!” Rayne cried loudly, her arms and legs wrapping around his body, trying to hold him close.

>   There was no holding out any longer for him, though. With a single shout of release, Sean’s hips jerked in and out of her body, with much quicker strokes. He felt her body beneath him, around him, and he was in heaven. Above them he thought he heard the thunder crack through the skies once again. As he released his seed, everything charged with static electricity. When he looked at her, there was an aura surrounding her. His hips jerked forward again for the last time.

  Sean leaned down and kissed Rayne’s mouth. Her lips were curved upward in a gentle smile. A sudden surge of pride filled him. He had satisfied this incredibly beautiful woman. In truth, while pleasuring a woman had always been a priority for him, feeling that it was the most important part of lovemaking was a shock to him. He started to shift away, but her legs tightened around his hips.

  “I’m too heavy,” Sean protested quietly. “I don’t want to crush you.”

  The grin on her face made his chest swell. “What a way to go, huh?”

  Sean laughed and when she lowered her legs he moved off of her body. “Shall we get under the covers?” he asked softly.

  * * * * *

  Rayne nodded and moved reluctantly. Quietly she swept the remaining packets together, and set them in the drawer beside the bed. When she glanced up, Sean was removing the used condom. Quickly she turned away, wondering how a person handled things like this. Before she could think about it seriously, Sean flipped the covers back. He climbed into her bed as if he’d done it a thousand times before. Her breath caught in her chest at seeing his broad shoulders and tanned skin against her white sheets with the tiny pink roses. Her eyes lifted and saw his head resting on the bright pink pillow she’d chosen as accent color for the bed. Hurriedly she got under the covers as well.

  Lying beside him, with the sheet tucked under her arms, she folded her hands. Reality was hitting her hard in the face at the moment. What was supposed to happen now? Idle chatter? Could she possibly sleep in a bed with a man she hardly knew? Suddenly she wished she had discussed this kind of thing with her sisters, or another woman. But she’d been living on her own for so long that the subject had never before come up. So now what? She chewed her lower lip as she pondered.

  Slowly, she started circling her thumbs around one another. Going one way about ten times, and then stopping and reversing direction. After her fifth change of direction, Sean’s hand covered hers, stopping the restless movement.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Rayne didn’t turn to look at him. “Nothing is wrong. Why should anything be wrong? I’m fine.”

  “Do you want me to leave?”

  It shocked her that he had so easily gotten to the hub of her dilemma, which unsettled her deeply. It should have made her feel relieved that he was bringing the subject up so she didn’t have to, right? But it wasn’t relief she felt. God! Had he brought it up because he really wanted to leave, but wanted to leave it to her to make the final decision? Was he wishing that he could skip out and never see her again? This was making her crazier than she normally was!

  “Is that what you want to do? Uhm…is that what you usually do…in situations like this?” She spoke softly, hated the unsteadiness in her voice and hesitation.

  Immediately the bed shifted beside her. A moment later Sean was pressed to her side and his hand was turning her face toward his. The anger on his face gave her another unexpected surprise. God! This was turning into a night full of unexpected emotions and happenings.

  “Let’s get a few things straight, Ms. Waters.”

  Rayne heard the affronted tone in his voice. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to reply, but then it became a moot point as he continued.

  “Number one—this is a first for me. I have never, got that, never had sex with a woman I’ve only just met. Not even in my wilder days. That isn’t me. Understand?”

  Rayne nodded, but Sean wasn’t really waiting for her acknowledgment as he continued.

  “Second—if you don’t want me to spend the night just say so, damn it! You don’t have to handle me with kid gloves. I’ve got a tough skin.”

  Silence followed his words. Rayne waited for at least a minute for him to go on, but he didn’t. Finally she spoke up. “Third?”

  “Third? What makes you think there’s a third?”

  Rayne shrugged her shoulders. “I just assumed from the way you were going that there had to be a number three.”

  “All right! Third—don’t ever twiddle your thumbs after we’ve made love. If I bored you, or I didn’t measure up to your expectations, then just tell me to my face, lady! Don’t sugar coat it, sweetheart, or play bored. I won’t act like your boy toy that leaves your bed immediately after he’s performed his tricks.” He turned away and laid down, flat on his back. “And if you chew your lower lip, I’m going to kiss you every time.”

  Rayne felt her mind reeling under all those telling revelations. Obviously this confident and assured man was feeling some of the same things she had. It certainly made her feel better to know she wasn’t the only one feeling like a fish out of water here. She started to twirl her thumbs again, but stopped abruptly, separating her hands and placing them palms down on the sheet covering her stomach. Her lower lip crept between her teeth unconsciously before she realized it, but stopped that quickly as well. She wasn’t stopping because of Sean, though. And she’d tell him that, in a minute.

  “You shouldn’t be using the pink pillow,” she said a moment later. The minute the words left her lips, she knew how stupid they would sound. Beside her, she heard Sean chuckle softly.

  “Pink isn’t my best color? Is that what you’re saying? Or are you one of those people who think redheads shouldn’t wear pink or red?”

  Rayne couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out. Giggling, she sat up, holding the sheet in place. “You don’t have red hair, but Colleen does. She’d look beautiful in any color. And I only said that because I didn’t know what else to say at this point.”

  Sean sat up beside her, reaching behind her back and exchanging her sage green pillow for his pink one. “How’s that?”

  “Better,” she told him softly, intensely aware of his masculinity suddenly. “I’ve never done this before, either, so I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do. My grandmother didn’t cover this, so if there was a proper etiquette-way to handle it, I never learned it. I know I screwed up the whole condom thing. Oh, and the chewing my lip thing would make number four.”

  Sean smiled at her, reaching out to casually push her hair back. His fingers brushed her shoulders and she felt the frissons of desire course through her again. “You won’t hear any complaints from me. I thought you handled it quite well.”

  “Thanks, I guess. This was a first for me too, and I didn’t know…anyway, I always chew my lip or twiddle my thumbs when I’m nervous and don’t know what to do, or say. I wasn’t bored. I couldn’t be bored. It was amazing.”

  Sean grinned and lay back down, this time with his hands behind his head. Rayne looked at him over her shoulder and decided that he looked the epitome of a satisfied male, on several levels. She wasn’t angry and a moment later scooted back down in the bed as well. Taking a deep breath, she ended up yawning.

  “I’m getting rather sleepy myself. Do you want me to go, or stay?” Sean asked.

  Rayne pondered for a moment, yawning again as she did so. “You can stay, please. Uhm, I do have a question, though.”

  “What is it?”

  “If you stay, do you think you’ll want to do it again? Tonight, I mean.”

  Sean grinned, but he didn’t answer her right away. Instead, he tossed the covers back and went over to turn off the single light. Despite the darkness, he still made his way to her bed without bumping into anything or stubbing his toe once. As he climbed back into bed, he shifted around and rearranged his pillows.

  “If you insist, I could probably manage to do it again tonight. But I am rather tired as well, so if you could wait until morning—”

  Rayne pu
nched his arm.

  Sean cuddled up close to her warm body. “Besides, there is nothing like morning sex. All warm, relaxed and still drowsy. Now go to sleep, Rayne. I’ll wake you if anything important comes up.”

  Rayne fell asleep with her head pillowed on his chest, cradled in his arm.

  Chapter Six

  Dawn was just lighting the sky as Sean approached the front porch of his house. As he walked along, idly he’d kick at rocks. This was pretty much the last place he wanted to be right now. But discretion had told him to get back home before his sister was up to begin cooking breakfast. He also wanted to be cleaned up and ready to face the day before Bob, or any of the workers, started their morning chores.

  “Look what that mangy cat dragged home.”

  Sean’s head jerked upward. In spite of the dim light, he could see Bob seated on the porch. Trying to think quickly, he opted for delay tactics.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Perhaps it’s those scratch marks.”

  “Damn!” Sean realized that he’d forgotten to slip his shirt on before he reached the house, but he’d been too lost in his thoughts to remember. “So you didn’t know that I’d left the house last night?”

  “Nope, and I doubt Colleen does either. But you should probably get cleaned up before she comes down. I got the impression that she is quite fond of your new ‘friend’ even though she doesn’t know her well yet. She might have a hard time choosing loyalty to her brother, if you should screw this up.”

  Sean pulled his shirt on, buttoning it up halfway. Walking up the steps, he paused to lean against the post. “What makes you think there is something for me to ‘screw up,’ as you put it?”

  Bob grinned at his brother-in-law. “Hmm, from what Colleen has told me, and since I’ve known you, you have never had a long-term relationship with a woman. Granted, you may be suffering from temporary impairment of your senses, but Rayne is the kind of woman a man commits to. Don’t get me wrong here, Sean. I love Colleen with every fiber of my being, and I love her more every day we’re together. Still, I’m not dead. I can understand the attraction.”